LG reportedly is preparing the successor to the popularity of the series Optimus One with another Android smartphone. According to the Korean publication named PlusNews, named LG Pecan smartphone is currently being prepared for the Mobile World Congress (MWC) next February.
Smartphone that will use the Android OS will be sold at a price of only $ 200 (less than 2 million dollars) and feature the NFC. The publication stated that the Android OS that is used is version 2.2, but if these handsets support the NFC, the possibility of the Android OS that is used is Gingerbread (2.3).
Other specifications seem to be similar to the Optimus One or slightly below it because the company is targeting the market that much. If you see the success of the LG Optimus One, the strategy is likely to be successful, especially if the correct OS is installed for Gingerbread and features the NFC.
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