Samsung Galaxy S II Bestsellers in England, outperform of iPhone 4 and HTC Sensation

Samsung Galaxy S II which was launched earlier this month in Britain, has held first place as the biggest-selling smartphone. Samsung Galaxy II position is to outperform the S 4 and HTC iPhone Sensation who is in second place and third. This data was obtained from USwitch that make statistics based on popularity and the number of smartphone sales.

His best-selling Samsung Galaxy S II is meant to repeat the incident in South Korea some time ago. Yet the iPhone 4 deserves thumbs up for being able to stay in second place although it has been sold since the year 2010. Meanwhile, HTC Sensation that has similar specifications to the Galaxy S II, was able to compete and are in third place despite the newly launched for about 10 days.

HTC also listed themselves as one of the most popular Android providers being able to put Desire and Desire S in position 4 and 5 large.

Samsung hopes to sell more than 10 million units by 2011 Galaxy S II this. This target will likely be achieved if one look at the popularity of dual-core Android smartphone this.

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